This August, LandlordBC held their annual Golf Tournament & Charity Fundraiser to benefit Covenant House Vancouver. LandlordBC is British Columbia’s top resource for owners and managers of rental housing. They are the largest landlord professional industry association in BC who provide rental owners and managers with education, advocacy, group programs, proprietary tenancy forms, online tools to manage and market properties, networking opportunities and operational advice.
In addition to supporting rental housing initiatives that are vital to the health of housing in our community, LandlordBC is a proud supporter of youth at Covenant House Vancouver.
BFL Canada Insurance Services Inc. donated $2000 at the event and LandlordBC raised $3736 at the tournament equaling an amazing $5736 for Covenant House and our youth.
Thank you for raising such an impactful amount of funds to help youth experiencing homelessness. You are an important members of our family and the rental housing community.