Volunteer With Us

Volunteer With Us

We are grateful to so many from the community who are currently volunteering with us and waiting to volunteer. Below are our current volunteer opportunities:


This position is subject dependent. Currently, the most popular subjects amongst the youth at CHV that we are seeking one-to-one tutors for are math and English. We are open to other subjects and would love to hear how you could support a youth with your subject of expertise. 

Food Services Volunteer 

The Food Services department serves 3 meals per day to the youth that stay at Covenant House. We are looking for individuals who can assist the Food Services team with food preparation and general kitchen operations, such as slicing bread, preparing fruit and vegetables, washing dishes, and serving meals. FOODSAFE certificate and kitchen experience is preferred but not essential. Recruiting for morning, afternoon, and evening mealtimes, throughout the week and weekends. 

CSS Server 

Our CSS Drop-In Centre is open 365 days a year and provides a space for Vancouver youth to come and take a hot shower, have a warm meal, and use other services. The Drop-In Centre’s food serving hours are increasingly busy — we are recruiting volunteers who can assist with serving meals during service hours. No experience required. Flexible schedule. 

Excursion Leaders 

On Tuesday and Thursday evenings, excursion leader volunteers take youth to various activities around Vancouver. Some examples of previous activities include: an outing to the Capilano Suspension Bridge, a bike ride through Stanley Park, a café visit, and a bowling outing. No experience necessary, but individuals who apply should be outgoing and comfortable with leading a group. 

Clothing Room Assistant 

Our CSS Drop-In Centre has a clothing room that youth can access to find items they may need. Many youth use this facility daily. We are looking for a volunteer who can chaperone this space and assist youth with any clothing room needs they may have. No experience necessary. 

Corporate and Community Group Volunteering

Through volunteering, our corporate and community partners play a crucial role in supporting the work we do and the youth we serve.

The volunteering opportunities we offer groups vary throughout the year, from wrapping presents during the holidays, to sorting clothing inventory, to handwritten notes to our generous donors. We can’t guarantee the activity you’ll be helping us with, but we can guarantee that we’re incredibly grateful for the support!

Anyone who is interested in any of the above opportunities can contact the volunteer team at volunteer@covenanthousebc.org

Here are some other fun ways to get involved: