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The Pursuit of Education

The Pursuit of Education

As the school year winds down, it’s a good time to pause and reflect about the importance of education.

At Covenant House Vancouver (CHV), the learning never stops. In a general sense, as youth work through their past traumas and towards their goals, dreams and aspirations, they are learning about themselves. This is an important component because when you know yourself, you will know what you want to lead a fulfilling life. Youth discover their true selves through our holistic approach to healing.

In addition to learning about themselves, many youth pursue their interests through education, trade certifications, or other avenues of learning.

Frontline staff work very closely with youth who wish to go to school. Staff help youth with applications to schools, scholarship opportunities, and prerequisites. In addition, staff do whatever they can to help equip youth for their education journeys by providing them with the proper electronics, books, and other provisions.

Frontline staff also support youth who wish to enter trades. We work closely with other agencies to help youth receive the proper certifications — anything from FOODSAFE to WHIMIS, to ensure that youth are properly prepared to enter this field. Staff also help youth attain proper gear, like steel-toed boots and safety vests, so that when youth show up to their trade, they are ready.

Meet Carmen

With nowhere to go, Carmen found her way to CHV. She was given a bed, nourishing meals, and access to showers, laundry, and clothing. Once Carmen felt safe, she began to work with the team of youth workers, social workers, and counsellors.

The team helped Carmen learn about herself, as she began to set goals that aligned with who she was. The team discovered that Carmen was fluent in five languages and had a love of linguistics. The staff supported her as she pursued post-secondary courses in linguistics.

Carmen graduated with a degree in linguistics and went on to become a language educator.

Your Support Helps Youth, Like Carmen, Achieve Their Dreams

It’s only through the generous support and kindness of the community and individual donors that youth, like Carmen, can achieve their dreams.

School supplies, trade supplies, clothing, and other sundries help youth achieve their dreams and goals. If you would like to help with gifts-in-kind items, please visit our Donate Items page, which includes contact information, should you have any questions.

If you would like to make a monetary donation, we have good news: our Double Match Campaign is on now! Thanks to our Match donors, Westland Insurance, when you donate before June 30th, they will match your gift, up to $50,000! An investment in youth is an investment in community. Donate today.