Dear Covenant House Family,
You give young people experiencing homelessness the food, shelter, and safety they need to get their lives back on track – all through your support of Covenant House Vancouver.
Now more than ever your generous donations help youth like Hannah.
Hannah had moved to Vancouver from a tough background, needing to get away from the bad influences in her hometown. But she became homeless when her roommate skipped out on their lease. With nowhere else to go, Hannah was forced onto the streets.
Thankfully, she found her way to Covenant House Vancouver. She told us that her goal in life was to be a contributing member of society. And your generosity helped her do just that. We helped her find a good job, and get her life back on track. Hannah gave so much support to other homeless youth during her stay. She would always raise them up, and brought laughter and joy to youth and staff alike.
Hannah’s success was only possible because of friends like you. So today, I just want to say “thank you.”
Thanks to the support of our donors and community we were able to reach our Spring Match Campaign goal and our first ever Sleep Out: Home Edition was a huge success.
I hope you are safe and well during these unsettled times.
With gratitude,

Krista Thompson
Chief Executive Officer