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Everyone deserves a home…

As the holiday season draws nearer, our focus is on the youth here at Covenant House Vancouver, and how we can foster a sense of home and family for them.

We do everything we can to create an environment of relentless support, absolute respect, and unconditional love. Everyone deserves a safe place to call home, and our dedicated staff do a number of things to make things feel extra homey this time of year.

Brittany an Outreach Worker shares how over the holidays they do their best at the Drop-In Centre to make it extra special for the young people:

This year even with a pandemic we will celebrate and bring comfort and care to young people in our community.

We will hold our annual youth holiday party and give out Christmas Backpacks filled with gifts and goodies. And come Christmas day we will host a delicious Christmas meal where youth can gather for a big turkey dinner.

One of my favorite event’s which is fairly new is when we set up an office as if it were a mini store and we invite the youth to shop for gifts for loved ones (free of charge). Watching the youth look through donated items from our generous donors is a great reminder of what the holidays are really about.

Many of the youth put so much thought into what their loved ones may like to receive. There was one young man who very carefully selected a bath set for his mom who he had not seen in a while.

He quietly approached me and another staff to teach him how to wrap the present. He carefully and meticulously wrapped the gift folding each corner just right. He left Drop-In with a huge smile and a gift ready for giving.

Thank you for being part of a loving, caring community for youth because everyone deserves a home.