Cool Ideas to Beat the Heat

“We often associate the challenges of living on the streets with bitter cold temperatures, but heat can also be a formidable problem to many.” Said Cory, Gifts-in-Kind Supervisor, at Covenant House Vancouver.

There are still six more weeks of summer and with that comes the risk of sun and heat exposure. For those who are homeless or precariously housed, extreme heat can be dangerous. Individuals without a secured dwelling may lack access to fresh water, sunscreen, and cool places to stay. Fraser Health notes, “Summer heat can pose serious health risks to people experiencing homelessness or living in precarious housing, especially those with pre-existing heart, lung, or mental health conditions.”

Here are a couple of ways to help vulnerable people in your community:

  • Check on vulnerable neighbours and community members.
  • Encourage people who need a place to cool down, to go to visit a cooling centre.

At Covenant House Vancouver, we take proactive steps to protect youth from the heat. We ensure that those living outside or staying with us have access to essential supplies like water bottles, sunscreen, and cool clothing. Our Drop-In Centre provides a safe, air-conditioned space where youth can shower, hydrate, eat nutritious food, and escape the sun.

If you would like to support vulnerable youth in your community, here are a couple of ways to do that:

  • Make a monetary donation to help provide immediate support (if you donate today, you can take advantage of our online Double Match and double your impact!).
  • Donate much needed items such as sunglasses, hats, sunscreen, electric and hand fans, water/Gatorade, energy bars, and cooling towels.

To make things easy, Cory and his team have created an Amazon Immediate Needs list, so that anyone who would like to support youth are able to do so, no matter where they are.

Thanks to all of you who support vulnerable youth and help keep them safe through these hot, summer months!