Rights of Passage
Rights of Passage
Rights of Passage provides young people with safe, affordable housing and support as they transition to independent living.
Young people apply to take part in the program and have to meet basic entrance requirements to live with us. They must commit to the program, including curfews and classes. The goal is to help them invested in the big changes required for long term independence.
We are here to support them every step of the way.
In addition to guidance, structure and support, we provide:
- A fully furnished, private apartment up to their 25th birthday
- 24-hour staff support
- Daily and community dinners, light groceries and celebrations
- Individualized Case Management
- Life skills (cooking, money management, self-care, communication skills and goal setting)
- Support maintaining employment and/or developing an education plan
- Recreational opportunities
If you are a young person interested in living at Rights Of Passage, please contact penderchvreferrals@covenanthousebc.org for more information and to apply.

Help support our Rights of Passage Program
Your gift today can help us provide unconditional love and absolute respect for young people in our Rights of Passage program.