Could you give up your bed to help raise funds for vulnerable youth?

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Wondering How to Hold an Office Holiday Event This Year? How About Holding a Virtual Ugly Holiday Sweater Day in Support of Covenant House Vancouver!

The holidays are fast approaching but the pandemic has thrown a wrench into regular office party plans this year. But working virtually doesn’t mean you can’t have a bit of fun as an office or team – while helping the youth Covenant House serves.

  • Choose a date and have a designated employee promote the Ugly Holiday Sweater Fundraiser internally to teams or the entire agency.
  • Covenant House could set up a branded donation/landing page. The link to the page could be sent to employees with the Ugly Holiday Sweater day promo. Donations could then be easily tracked and donors receive an instant tax receipt via email when making an online donation. I can easily track who has donated and provide regular reports if desired.
  • Participating employees could be encouraged to take pictures of themselves on Ugly Holiday Sweater Day – or voting could take place during a live virtual call. Prizes could be awarded for kitschiest holiday sweater, outfit, etc.

If you’d like to hold an Ugly Holiday Sweater Day please contact:

Mark Savard
Development Officer – Community Giving
Direct: 604-901-0070