Art2Heart Foundation is a non-profit and youth-led organization that strives to encourage youth to express themselves through the arts by holding local workshops, public art events and free workshops.
Covenant House Vancouver was recently approached by Art2Heart and their president Cindy Zhang; they wanted to explore ways to support the youth in our care. Cindy and her team created 20 art supply kits complete with a personalized message. Providing youth with personal kits helps reduce the need to share supplies which is important given the challenges of the pandemic.
Having access to art supplies also provides youth in Covenant House’s care with an expressive outlet that can enhance creativity, help with problem solving, stress and processing thoughts/feelings.
Cindy and her mother dropped off the kits, all beautifully packaged for the youth. They were met by Dr. Keith Thurlow-Bishop who heads Covenant House’s Art Therapy Program, Suvi Teigen, Manager of Case Management Services as well as Mark Savard and Jen Moric, both Development Officers on the fundraising team.
Thank you Cindy and Art2Heart for your help with providing a creative outlet to youth in Covenant House’s care.