With one purpose. On one night. Sleepers and their supporters came together to raise an amazing $1,210,965.50 and counting for young people who are experiencing homelessness.
These have been and continue to be difficult times for many. But our sleepers with their friends, family, and colleagues made a choice, a choice to stand with young people. We are simply humbled by the support of our sleepers and their communities – thank you!
Our 10th Anniversary of Sleep Out: Executive Edition was a special one, but with COVID-19 still affecting communities we were not able to gather as a large group. But thanks to local businesses and friends of CHV we were able to host smaller groups at seven sites around the Lower Mainland. Sleepers also had the option to participate virtually.
A young person spoke about their personal experience and how Covenant House Vancouver supported them on their journey. They shared, “Covenant House is a safe haven and since being here I have seen myself grow.” And this very powerful statement, “I could not smile before, now I can smile.”
The morning reflection provided sleepers an opportunity to connect about their experience. Several sleepers shared that although they knew it was going to be cold, they were surprised just how truly freezing it was. They shared how they were grateful to understand what the young people go through and that they have a safe supportive place to get help.
Sleep Out has grown into a movement, a movement of hope, compassion, and advocacy. Together, we will continue working to ensure that if a young person needs help, we will always be here to welcome them in and provide a safe space to heal, grow and thrive.
A tremendous thank you to our sleepers and their supporters for being a united force for HOPE!

Photo Credit: Thank you to Yohan Kim Photography for taking these amazing photos of our Sleep Out participants